拔罐療法 Cupping Therapy
疾病是由致病因素引起机体阴阳的偏盛偏衰,人体气机升降失常,脏腑气血功能紊乱所致。当人体受到风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火、毒、外伤的侵袭或内伤情志后,即可导致脏腑功能失调,产生病理产物,如淤血、气郁、痰涎、宿食、水浊、邪火等,这些病理产物又是致病因子,通过经络和腧穴走窜机体,逆乱气机,滞留脏腑;淤阻经脉,最终导致种种病症。 拔罐产生的真空负压有一种较强的 吸拔之力,其吸拔力作用在经络穴位上,可将毛孔吸开并使皮肤充血,使体内的病理产物从皮肤毛孔中吸出体外,从而使经络气血得以疏通,使脏腑功能得以调整,达到防治疾病的目的。
经络有“行气血,营阴阳,儒筋骨,利关节”的生理功能,如经络不通则经气不畅,经血滞行,可出现皮、肉、筋、脉及关节失养而萎缩、不利,或血脉不荣、六腑不运等。 通过拔罐对皮肤、毛孔、经络、穴位的吸拔作用,可以引导营卫之气始行输布,鼓动经脉气血,儒养脏腑组织器官,温煦皮毛,同时使虚衰的脏腑机能得以振奋,畅通经络,调整机体的阴阳平衡,使气血得以调整,从而达到健身祛病疗疾的目的
Cupping is a lesser-known treatment that is also part of Oriental medicine (Traditional Chinese Medicine). Cupping is the term applied to a technique that uses small glass cups or bamboo jars as suction devices that are placed on the skin.
Cupping follows the lines of the meridians. There are five meridian lines on the back, and these are where the cups are usually placed. Using these points, cupping can help to align and relax qi, as well as target more specific maladies. By targeting the meridian channels, cupping strives to ‘open’ these channels – the paths through which life energy flows freely throughout the body, through all tissues and organs, thus providing a smoother and more free-flowing qi (life force).
Cupping is one of the best deep-tissue therapies available. It is thought to affect tissues up to four inches deep from the external skin. Toxins can be released, blockages can be cleared, and veins and arteries can be refreshed within these four inches of affected materials. Even hands, wrists, legs, and ankles can be ‘cupped,’ thus applying the healing to specific organs that correlate with these points.
The Cupping suction and negative pressure provided by cupping can:
- Loosen stiff muscles,
- Encourage blood flow,
- Sedate the nervous system (which makes it an excellent treatment for high blood pressure,
- Cupping is also used to relieve back and neck pains, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, rheumatism, and even cellulite.
This treatment is also valuable for the lungs, and can clear congestion from a common cold or help to control a person’s asthma. In fact, respiratory conditions are one of the most common maladies that cupping is used to relieve.